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    What I'm Reading

    November 15, 2008

    October 03, 2008

    October 01, 2008

    September 10, 2008

    September 05, 2008

    September 01, 2008

    August 31, 2008

    August 30, 2008

    August 26, 2008

    April 24, 2008

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    Photo Albums

    Good Listening

    • Herbie Hancock -

      Herbie Hancock: Herbie Hancock: Possibilities
      What a great album. Herbie Hancock is the man! I just watched him and Christina Aguilera on the Grammy's. She's got the pipes, and he's got the chops.

    • Tori Amos -

      Tori Amos: The Beekeeper
      Poetry in motion. I love this CD.

    • Moby -

      Moby: Play
      Since I wrote about him, I thought I'd go find his CD and play it. I still really like it!

    • Madeleine Peyroux -

      Madeleine Peyroux: careless love
      LLB and MP have the same booking agent. This came in the mail the other day. She has a beautiful, old fashioned sound.

    • John Legend -

      John Legend: Get Lifted
      I actually saw this CD being peddled at Starbucks. It is another one of those CD's sitting on my floor courtesy of Sony. There are some very nice tunes!

    • Rachael Yamagata -

      Rachael Yamagata: Happenstance
      When has there ever been a Hapa Popstar? Cool! Even better her music is awesome! Rachael is opening for LLB at the Alice show January 4th.

    • Various Artists -

      Various Artists: Mary had a little amp
      Another "sitting on the floor" find. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit how much I like this CD.

    • Prince -

      Prince: Musicology
      Another Sony artist that showed up on the pile in front of my CD player. Nice.

    • Kaki King -

      I heard Leann Hanson interview Kaki on NPR yesterday morning. Lucky me...I realized since she's an Epic artist her CD was sitting right here on the floor. (Explanation: When on the road, Sony reps give John a lot of random CD's.)

    • Los Lonely Boys -

      Los Lonely Boys: Los Lonely Boys
      I have to plug these guys...since they're keeping my husband away from home! The album is excellent, but they're even better live. Go see them!!!

    Cost of War in Iraq

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