Not 30 minutes beyond 24 hours ago, my friend Rob and I were wrapping a WebEx with a bunch of managers in India, China and San Jose. We were discussing how the topic we covered, team dynamics, didn't get a lot of conversation. I was wondering if it was just a bit to abstract versus so many of the other topics we've covered that resulted in a group of Chatty Cathies.
As we were saying adieu for the evening, Rob made a comment about a visa. Visa? We're traveling to Bangalore in a week. Visa? I don't have a visa. It crossed my mind...and after all the trauma of applying for a Chinese visa last month, I just plumb forgot. AIYO! I'm supposed to get on an airplane in one week and I haven't even started the visa process.
Needless to say, I've spent much of my day working on pulling together all the paperwork for a business visa to India. I've communicated with expediters and HR folks. Rob has helped me get invitation letters signed. He told me that when he went through the process that he was told by his expediter that both invitation letters, one from US and one from India plus the India visa application all had to indicate that the visa is for the same time period. However, one of my letters indicated my visa was for one time entry. One letter indicated my visa was for one year, multiple entries. My application only gave me the option to apply for 1 year, 5 years or 10 years.
I spent much time with a nice man in Raleigh who was communicating with people in India to get one time entry changed to 1 year. After 8 hours of going back and forth, the final response was, we only do multiple entry visas for regular employees. Sorry. I'm going to India for my client. the last minute, John and I decided to skip the expediters, make a quick stop at Kinko's to get passport photos taken and copies made, run into San Francisco, and go try to submit the paperwork with what I had.
We arrived in SF at 4:15. India, interesting enough, outsources all of its visa processing to a company. I knew that they took applications until 4:00. I didn't know they were closed from 4 to 4:30. At 4:30 people can come and pick up their visas. I took a chance, walked in the door, walked up to a woman who turned out to be very pleasant and helpful...and asked her if I could ask her a few questions about my paperwork. She looked through it all, stapled stuff, marked stuff, checked stuff...and said, I was okay. However...I couldn't submit it until Monday morning. Sigh. I will be facilitating a learning lab beginning Monday morning in San Jose. It looks like John will be my personal expediter.
In between work, a run to the gym, and my visa woes...I've been obsessed with our current political events. In fact, tonight I pretty much let it envelope me as I've read blogs, tracked journalists and pundits, and watched the online news. I feel like I just binged on a large bag of Lays, a half a pound of peanut M&M's, a gallon of mint chip ice cream, and a six pack of Coke. Hopefully, I don't bring it back up (maybe that is what this is?) and hopefully I've gotten the craving for all these empty calories out of my system.
While I was binging, I forgot that I still had SameTime, my work instant messaging on. At 8:40:08 a Lotus friend of mine pinged me with, "Hi Jennifer - you there?"
I thought, oh dear. What does Martin want? I'm really too busy to deal with work. But...I pinged back.
It turns out he'd just come home from the airport and he was hoping to find his Blackberry at home. AND, he couldn't find it. So, he was asking me to call his number to see if he could hear the ringing.
Note: This guy is an example of the thousands of young (and not so young JCHH and PMO) people around the country who do not have landlines. And thus, I learned this from my binging today, are not part of the political polling process. It is one theory that a large majority of these people are natural constituents for Mr. Obama...and thus the polls are under estimating Obama's support. I have NO idea if this is a legitimate point or wishful thinking.
Back to story. I call Martin's phone and a nice man with an interesting accent answered. He proceeded to tell me that I'd left my phone in his cab. I'm simultaneously pinging with Martin. It was hard to explain to the cab driver that I wasn't the owner of the phone but that I was pinging with the owner. Martin was asking me to beg the driver to give the phone back. He was offering money. The driver just said, "go to Yellow Cab at Cesar Chavez and can pick it up there." Martin can now go there anytime, the dispatcher is always there. Thank you's all around.
Pinging ends at 8:48:58. I go back to binging.
Somewhere around 9:00 there is a strange noise and what sounds like animals running across the concrete downstairs. Really, I don't know why that's what it sounded like, but it did. It was brief. I didn't think much about it. I did notice it.
At 9:06:07 my SameTime pings me again. This time it is my friend Sheila. Her opening line is, "I don't think you're really there - but we just had an earthquake. I am still sitting in the door jam."
I was like, wow, is that what that was? As we chat about the earthquake I find some official looking geological service that tells me it was a 4.1 magnitude and 2 miles from Alamo. Sheila tells me she's practically sitting on it and that must be why things are falling off her shelves.
We then proceed to ping about SP, JM (or JSM as he has been dubbed recently), JB and BO. Sheila brought up the fact that IBM stock was at 129 last week and is now at 113. Ouch. I've been so distracted, I hadn't even noticed. I mentioned that it is all a huge diversion from the real issues but that the election is now firmly rooted in the Britney/Lindsay/Paris dimension...and from the video I saw, Paris might just have better policy ideas than SP.
Of course, we might never know because the handlers might never let her speak independently when not on a script. And the script reading is weak. Both for her and Mr. McCain. I was watching a series of CNN clips of all four candidates. Obama and Biden speak from the heart, they speak extemperaneously, they speak with conviction. Both McCain and Palin were reading speeches, stumbling over lines. They read with conviction...but it is clear it ain't there words. They're both being scripted and handled. Our new Manchurian candidates?
I'm done binging and purging. I'm going to try to go on a political diet until the debates. At a minimum I'll try to take a breather over the next 24 hours. Wish me luck.
P.S. And with that...I share with you a trailer for Milk a new movie about a politician from another era. My friend Bernie just posted it on his blog. I love the tagline, "his life changed history, his courage changed lives." (THANKS TO BERNIE FOR CORRECTED URL FOR HIS POST!)
P.P.S. Hillary cartoon courtesy of Daryl Cagle. He's pretty funny, check him out.
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